Application advantages of drilling integration in automotive intelligent manufacturing
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Application advantages of drilling integration in automotive intelligent manufacturing

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The purpose of intelligent manufacturing is to improve the production, management, safety production, quality management, energy saving, achieve lean production, promote the overall manufacturing level of automobile enterprises, and achieve industrial 4.0. With the development of drilling integrated machine applications, laser welding technology is widely used in electronic consumer goods, packaging, ship, aerospace, etc., especially in the field of manufacturers, etc. Modern vehicles are not only practical, and the economical and beautiful, the traditional welding method is low, low denier, low accuracy, and is difficult to meet the precision welding demand for automobile intelligence manufacturing and low cost processing requirements. existDrillDuring the production process of the manufacturer and the automobile manufacturing industry, the technology uses high-energy density laser beams to heat sources, is high welding precision, effective welding method, highlights of automobile manufacturing advantages, and let's learn about the use of drill-cutting machine in automobile intelligent manufacturing Bar

The application advantages of drilling integration in automotive intelligent manufacturing are as follows.

Advantage 1, reduce processing cost

Vehicle welding is a plurality of structural parts pre-assembled by welding and rivets. Modern laser welding techniques can reduce the number of welding parts, optimize the use of materials, reduce the weight of the part, reduce cost.

Advantage 2, increase productivity

Drill Tabs are providing computer or CNC, accurate location, welding speed and tens of soldering speed per minute, helps to shorten direct processing and manufacturing cycles, and improve production efficiency.


Advantage 3, high welding quality, reducing unnecessary decoration

DrillAfter the small range of parts can be welded, the body sheet metal material is engaged, the surface is smooth, and the overall texture is hidden without adding decoration.

Advantage 4, reduce mechanical loss and deformation

Drilling Tabs Different from the general contact welding method, laser cutting machine, automake manufacturer does not need to use electrodes in the process of using laser welding technology, and the loss and deformation of the mechanical equipment can be greatly reduced. , Reduce the incidence of adverse effects from thermal conductivity.

Advantage 5, wide solder, cost-effective

Two materials having different physical properties, such as two metal materials having different resistance, no X-ray protection or vacuum environments in actual welding.

What is described above isDrillThe application advantage in automobile intelligent manufacturing, with the expansion of global auto mayor / market demand, the manufacturing process accelerates, the advanced manufacturing technology represented by drill tabs is also promoting the replacement of the manufacturing industry, drilling all machine series equipment It can help laser cutting machines, car manufacturers improve the quality of welding interface, reduce accidents and accident losses caused by joint problems, reduce corporate cost, and flexibly respond to market changes.

Kunshan Qiankun Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

After more than ten years of continuous efforts, we have delivered more than one thousand sets of various cutting machines, which create value for customers all over the world. Every year, nearly half of the machines are exported to Southeast Asia and Europe.


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